September 2, 2019

401. What to Eat Before Your Kitesurfing Session

If you are into sports then it will be easy for you to figure this out, and if you are not – then first of all keep in mind that Kitesurfing is one active sport and requires a decent amount of endurance, especially in the beginning, when students are still learning and trying to outwrestle the kite and the wind. Also, you will need your brain to figure out what to do, as there are lots of variables in Kitesurfing, and you better keep them under control. In other words, you should stay sharp and focused during your sessions on the water.  The right food can help in this. First, about the endurance. Carbs are like a fuel to your muscles, especially good organic ones. You can load up on sugar, but sugar leads to a crash after a while, so, better stay with granola, berries, oatmeal, banana, peanut butter, almond butter, raisins, starchy vegetables, whole wheat bread. Stay away from highly processed (refined) carbs made of white flour, like pasta, cookies, white rice. They will quickly absorb and give you a spike of energy, but they will not last as long. Also, it’s a good idea to have small snacks.

Many people use coffee to stay focused, yet coffee dehydrates you and it is followed by a crash. So, if you want some aid concentrating, use vitamin C, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, even spicy food will keep you awake to some degree, and always drink enough water to stay hydrated.

Another important point that affects your ability to function physically and mentally during your kitesurfing session is the time when you eat in relation to any sports activity. Depending on the size of your meal it may take about two hours before the food is digested and your body is ready to perform.

And another tip: eat the right amount of food, not too much and not too little. You do not want to fall into a food coma when your instructor is trying to explain something to you.

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