August 31, 2019

219. Kite Lines. Lenght. Safety

Kite lines are very strong on pull, yet very delicate when it comes to cross force. They are especially vulnerable to knots, so, lookout for those and remove them before they settle down on your kitelines, and if they did and you took them for a ride… then order a new set of lines, as you will likely need them soon. When buying kite lines pay attention to the following: the load they will be able to sustain, which may vary from 500lb to 2000lb (250kg to 1000kg). This is what’s usable in kitesurfing, so, do not use lines that are made for toys, as they may look alike. And price will vary depending on the load supported.
Next is the length of the lines. It’s a good idea to have all four of the same length. Length may vary from 11 to 30m (yards). The longer the lines, the more power will be generated by the same kite. They even sell kite line extensions of a few yards to add a bit of extra pull to the existing setup. Usually 1m = $1 (roughly). Some lines are sold pre-stretched some are not, and if you got the ones that are not, expect that they might stretch unevenly, which is not a big deal when there is a difference between the back lines and the front ones, but the difference could be sensible when there is one between left and right side. Play with pigtails adjusting the lengths and move the point of attachment on the kite if this has become an issue for you. Here are some videos of people using extreme length kitelines:

At the end of every session you will wind the lines on the control bar. Do this in the “figure eight” fashion to prevent lines from twisting and whirling and from wrapping around one another. As you wrapping lines around the bar feel then with your fingers and inspect them for imperfections and for knots, especially for knots, because knots are dangerous for the lines themselves. If a knot jumps on a kiteline and you take it out for a ride, tightening it even more, the knot will break the fibers in the line and weaken it to the point that the line may snap when you load it up. So, no knots, please!
As to the safety, never wrap kite lines around your fingers, hands, or arms! People have lost their body parts because of that. Be safe! And remember to use that knife if need be, kite lines are only $30 each.

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