August 31, 2019

217. Packing Up Kite. Taking Care of the kite. Drying Tips

Just like with any equipment, the better care you take of it, the longer it will serve you. At the end of every session, you will be packing your kite and store it until the next time. Even though it seems like a straight forward process there are several pitfalls I want to share with you. Knowing them you will have a better chance to extend the life of your kite (and not only of the kite) and have less headache on the water.

After your session shake as much sand from your kite as you can. Open up all clamps to let the air out from struts. Hold your kite by the leading edge at the center, that’s where the valve is. Open the valve to deflate your kite, and as the air escapes from the kite, move your grip towards one of the wingtips and lay your kite in the ground downwind from you. Let the air out from all struts. Start rolling the canopy from upwind wingtip towards the center, where the valve is, squeezing remaining air out. Look out for plastic inserts at the tail of your kite, do not break them, they make flights more enjoyable, that is if there are any. As you roll up the canopy make those folds about one foot wide. When both wings are rolled up stack them on top of one another then fold that stack in half, and once again in half. Put in the bag. Period.

If your kite was dry – super! Store it in a dry place. If your kite was wet with seawater (salty) then you should at least open the bag when you get home and fluff the kite a bit while keeping it in a dry place. If your kite got wet with freshwater (lake or rain) you should dry it up before it starts to grow mold in the canopy. It’s okay if your place does not the room to unfold your kite fully, you can fold your kite like a book and “turn pages” every now and then. As long as it stays in a dry place.

A few don’ts. Do not keep your kite in a damp place. Do not let a wet kite stay long in the bag as it may develop mold. Do not dry your kite on a green lawn, as this may kill the grass underneath and the bottom of your kite will remain moist.

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