March 6, 2016

The Roadmap

Kitesurfing is rather a complex sport and it requires a good deal of understanding before you head out and give it a try using real gear, so, we recommend you spend some time learning about kitesurfing. Understand the theory of the Wind, get to know how the kite works and how you can control the kite, and learn all the terminology of kitesurfing first. When you feel that you’ve learned enough and are ready to practice, head out with your kitesurfing instructor and start practicing.

There are four hands-on stages we recognize in learning how to kitesurf.

Stage 1: Learn how to fly a trainer kite on land. Practice until you feel comfortable controlling the kite without looking at it. You should be able to control the kite by the feel of it. We explain this in Day 1 of our program.

Stage 2: Practice controlling real size kite on the water. Practice body dragging downwind as well as upwind. Leave your board on shore for now. We explain this in Day 2 of our program.

… ( This content is for Members only )

Stage 4: Putting together board and kite. Practice water start. Slowing down. Stopping. Emergency breaks. Making turns. Ride downwind and upwind. We explain this in Day 4 of our program.

Links below will take you to the next step:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

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