How expensive is kitesurfing? What does kitesurfing equipment cost? How much money do you need to start kitesurfing? These are some of the questions most of the people ask first when they get curious about this beautiful sport of kitesurfing and begin to think about learning it.
Kitesurfing equipment can cost from $1,000 to $3,000 US dollars for one set of gear. We need three pieces to kitesurf: a kite, a board, and a harness. Kite is the most expensive item on this list. You can find a decent used kite for as little as $600 or as much as $2,800 brand new. Board comes in the second and the starting point is at around $300. A harness is an extra $100 or so. Add it all up and there you have a price tag with $1,000 bucks on it to start.
But is this all? And why is there a threefold (X3) difference, you may ask? There are a number of factors that may and will impact your budget.
Used vs. new gear prices

The biggest impact on the price range has your decision between USED and NEW gear. Obviously, used gear will cost a lot less, but will you be willing to accept the tradeoff in quality and reliability? If you have a friend-kitesurfer who is willing to help you select used equipment it would be a great help. You see, eBay is loaded with used kitesurfing gear that is near the end of its life and it’s very easy for a novice kitesurfer to fall prey to this market.
1. Kitesurfing kite cost

Let’s talk about kites first, since they are the most expensive. Kites ARE the most expensive and they are the most delicate part of your quiver. They are made of fabric and are easily damaged when dropped from the sky or when flown into an obstacle like a tree or a fence. There is a whole industry of kite repairs out there. But even a professionally repaired kite is not as good as a new one.
The fabric of a kite becomes less crispy and creates an unwanted drag, slowing the kite down. Used kites are sitting a bit deeper inside the wind window because of this, making it a bit more challenging to ride upwind. And the fabric itself becomes more fragile and more susceptible to breaking on an impact, shortening the lifespan of the kite
Kite lines and bridal system are facing the same fate as the canopy. Chances are the lines will have to be replaced first as they carry all the power the kite can generate and they better be “in shape” to support all your weight.
Are you still into used kites? If not, your starting price may go up, as new kites start at about $1,200. A word of caution here. If you find a brand new kite at a ridiculously low price see if it includes all components. Make sure it’s not just the canopy. More on this a bit later.
2. Kitesurfing board cost

The next one up is a kitesurfing board. Boards are more durable than kites and are a lot safer to buy used. You can save a good deal of money here and even heavily used board can still last for many many years, and you will not be that much sorry in case you lose it in the open waters while still learning how to keep it all together. I started with a used board in 2003 and still have that board and use it as a backup for my students when a class becomes too crowded.
3. Price of a kitesurfing harness

Harnesses for kitesurfers are the least expensive piece of equipment. First of all, you should know that there are FOUR different types of harnesses available on the market and we go into deep details about this variety HERE, have a look. The good news about harnesses is that they are usually very well built and are virtually indestructible. Harnesses usually serve for a VERY long time, so, it’s a pretty safe investment, as long as it fits you well.
Prices for brand new harnesses hover around $140. I usually go for last year’s models as they tend to be cheaper. You can find good deals on eBay as well, just make sure that all buckles and locks are working properly. Oh, and get the one that comes with a knife, it’s safer that way. Sometimes harnesses come with a safety leash, do make sure it’s included.
And before you jump to a conclusion, let me ask you this question: was your very first car brand new or used? Maybe you can use the same train of thought here, when buying your first set of kitesurfing gear? Or maybe you should hold off the buying altogether for now? There are some good reasons not to and there are options for you. I will get to those in a bit.
What equipment is actually needed to kitesurf?
The saying goes that you need three pieces of equipment to start riding:
1. Kite
2. Board
3. Harness
And this is really the quickest and the shortest answer. But will it be enough for you? Will you need anything else? Is this really ALL it takes to enjoy the ride? HERE is a full-blown discussion on the topic for you.
The full list of gear that is available on the market goes wa-ay beyond just three. Here is the more or less complete list for your reference:
- Kite with bridal system
- Four kite lines, if not 5 for some models
- Control bar to steer and control your kite
- Spreader bar for your harness
- Harness itself
- Air pump to inflate the kite
- A hose to drive air from the pump to the kite with the right adapter (Important!)
- Air pressure gauge to assure proper inflation
- Board with foot straps (count these as a two) and fins
- Safety leash to tame the Kite, if need be
These are all mandatory parts. If any of them are missing you will not be able to ride, so, make sure you have them all. When you buy a new kite it usually comes with the bridal system, kite-lines, control bar, a safety leash, an air pump with a hose, and a pressure gauge. Harnesses usually come with a spreader bar of the size suitable for the size of the harness itself and an optional knife. Yet what exactly is included will vary from brand to brand, so, double-check the description and go over the list a few times to make sure you have it all.
And I did not include any luxury items like a wetsuit, booties, gloves, dry suit if needed, helmet, sunglasses, camelback to keep you hydrated, etc. You can see by now that kitesurfing in a colder climate will be more costly.
Should you start with buying you own kitesurfing gear?
Is buying your own gear the only option to get into kitesurfing? Not at all! In fact, I would not even recommend buying your own gear in the very beginning since you do not know what you like or don’t like just yet. Shopping for kitesurfing equipment would be a lot easier for you after you’ve tried a few kites and a few boards. You would know better what you value in kitesurfing gear once you develop a bit of a style of your own.
Option 1: Take lessons
Now, how can you start kitesurfing without buying your own gear? The sure-fire option is to take a few kitesurfing lessons. Kitesurfing schools will provide you with everything you need and often times they will even give you some options to choose from. And you can switch your gear as you go through your training, especially when the wind conditions change. This is a great option to start with, in my opinion.
Prices for taking classes vary depending on the country and the location of the school. The range is from $50 per hour to $300 per session. Just check the liability waiver to make sure you are not responsible for any lost or damaged gear before you sign anything.
Option 2: Rent your gear
Another option is to rent your gear. You should know that the rental shop will want some level of kitesurfing skills from you before they lend you anything. And if you are just starting out you will have to go with a supervising instructor. Rental prices vary from place to place and do depend on the type of equipment they have. The logic is simple: older gear is cheaper, the newer one is pricier. You can rent a package, a kite with a board and a harness, or individually by the piece, depending on what you need. Some places rent their gear by the hour, some by the session, some daily, and some weekly.
You can rent a board for as low as $20 per day, and a kite for less than $100 a day when rent for several consecutive days. Some places can rent out even harnesses for $20, wetsuits for $20, and shoes for about $10 a day.
Option 3: Demos
And if a school is affiliated with some kitesurfing gear manufacturers they may even have some demos. I find these demos especially useful when shopping for new stuff. Demos are more expensive though and may have more time restrictions for the duration of your lease.
The brutal truth about the cost of kitesurfing gear (MUST READ)
Now that you’ve wrapped your head around the pricing for kitesurfing gear I have some bad news to deliver… We’ve been talking about one set of gear all this time. One kite, one board, one harness, one of everything. The reality is that kitesurfing kites and boards come in a variety of sizes, and we have to change the size of our kite and board depending on the wind conditions. Strong wind – small kite and board, slow wind – larger equipment. Each particular kite size is designed for a specific wind range, say 7 to 12 knots for a larger kite, or 15 to 25 knots for a smaller kite.
The variety of gear
What I am leading to is this: you will end up buying and using more than one kite and more than one board. Kitesurfing enthusiasts usually have three kites of different sizes, say, 7m, 11m, 14m, and two boards – one for the light wind conditions and one for the strong winds. You may end up having more than one harness as well, especially if you travel to different climates or planning to kitesurf with and without a wetsuit. You see, a wetsuit adds up a size or two to your harness and even though you can adjust the harness itself, the spreader bar better be of the correct size to be comfortable.
So, realistically we are looking at $6,000 plus. Luckily this is not a one-time purchase. We usually spread our spendings over time as we go. Statistically, a kitesurfer is spending about $1,500 a year on the gear alone. Yes, kitesurfing is not the cheapest sport out there, and like any hobby, it will require some maintenance expenses going forward. More about additional kitesurfing expenses on THIS PAGE. I hope that I did not scare you away from this beautiful and breathtaking activity. Remember – we only live once! As always, get out there, have fun, and I will see you on the water someday!
Want to know about the benefits of kitesurfing? HERE is the list of 20.